Why is this mapping needed?
The purpose of this mapping is to assist the One Billion Coalition for Resilience in coordinating and documenting resilience related efforts. Resilience provides answers to the current challenges faced by the humanitarian and development sectors. Therefore, many stakeholders are implementing various resilience related projects for supporting vulnerable people in different sectors and locations. Demand for more effective collaboration and support for action at the community level is driving the momentum behind the 1BC. This mapping is needed to develop an overview of the coverage and gaps of the current resilience projects and identify the way forward to enhance the synergy of our collective efforts for resilience. Add your Resilience related Project here.
Who should fill in a resilience related project mapping template?
All organizations that implement resilience related projects are encouraged to share their project information by submitting filled-in mapping templates. Project managers may be in the best position to fill in the templates.
What is considered as a “project” for this mapping?
For the sake of this mapping, a project is defined as a group of activities focused on community or individual’s resilience.