Even in the face of rising vulnerability and adversity and with the benefit of unparalleled technology and innovation, we are not yet truly capitalizing on or adequately supporting the capacity of people and communities to organize to increase their safety, health, and well-being.
The One Billion Coalition for Resilience (1BC) provides an opportunity for individuals, households, communities, and organisations to work together to increase collective impact in resilience-building in communities world-wide.
1 | Partnering goal Using the full reach of our collective networks to maximize local opportunities and solutions. |
2 | Scaling goal At least one person in every household, every school or business, and every community taking action. |
3 | Measurement goal 1 billion people taking actions to enhance their own and their community’s resilience. |

What is the One Billion Coalition for Resilience?
The One Billion Coalition for Resilience (1BC) is an unprecedented commitment from individuals, communities, organizations, business and governments to mobilize the potential of our collective networks, our ability to work at scale, and to coordinate our shared resources, working toward a world where people are safer, healthier and can thrive, even in the face of adversity.
Working together in global, national and local coalitions, we can support the ability of individuals, communities, organizations and countries to anticipate, prepare for and reduce the impact of disasters, crises and underlying vulnerabilities. The affect of this will ensure people are better able to cope with and recover from the effects of shocks and stresses, minimizing the impact on their long-term well-being.
The 1BC invites everyone to be agents of change to create a more resilient world. It is an opportunity to build on, strengthen and expand existing networks and initiatives for community resilience. Partners forming local and national coalition will shape the initiative to suit their local circumstances, by implementing practical initiatives. Under the 1BC they will be connected to a global coalition driving greater access to tool, and expertise at the local level.
Why do we need it?
Over the past decade, humanitarian need has grown at a staggering rate. The number of people who rely on humanitarian assistance has more than tripled while the cost of responding has increased six-fold. Every indication suggests that this growth will continue. Our answer cannot be more of the same. We need to change, to take a longer view, and to more effectively use our collective resources, if we are to truly strengthen resilience and ensure communities are better prepared for the threats they face. The 1BC asks communities and partners to do exactly this. It is nothing short of a global paradigm shift and is essential to meet our global commitment to sustainable development and disaster risk reduction.
Who’s onboard?
Demand for more effective collaboration and support for action at the community level is driving the momentum behind the 1BC. Leading organizations from both the aid and private sectors have taken up our call to action.
During the World Economic Forum in January 2016, the heads of UNICEF, WFP and IFRC, along with senior representatives from leading philanthropic organization, the Rockefeller Foundation, and insurance organizations Zurich Insurance, called for a “paradigm shift” in the world’s approach to humanitarian assistance.
60 Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies are already convening coalitions, promoting and implementing 1BC activities in their countries bringing together partners and communities.
How does the 1BC work?
Ownership of the initiative lies with the people and communities taking action on their own behalf, and with partners and governments, businesses and research institutions committed to building community resilience. No one organization owns the 1BC. With every new member, the 1BC will become more effective, drawing from a larger pool of expertise, ideas and participants all working towards a common goal of improved resilience.
1BC coalitions and individuals taking action will be supported by tools to connect coalition members, kick-start initiatives and break down obstacles to building resilience. These tools are outlined in the Enabling Platforms section below.
What does the 1BC offer coalition members?
Working together in global, national and local coalitions, we can build the ability of individuals, communities, organizations and countries to anticipate, prepare for and reduce the impact of disasters, crises and underlying vulnerabilities. We’re inviting you to bring your expertise and your connections to help us change the state of resilience in the world.
As a coalition member you or your organization will have access to the expertise and networks of others. You will create and benefit from the collective impact of coalitions at global, national and local levels, simple-to-scale action and response, reach into remote and difficult to access communities, connect to community level partners and mechanisms for greater transparency, accountability and impact.
The 1BC provides members with:
- A dynamic vehicle to strengthen community and business engagement and to inspire individuals of all ages to identify risk in their lives, design solutions and take action to build resilience.
- Strengthened advocacy to promote investment in prevention and mitigation of risks that threaten their communities. 1BC brings together Governments, civil society and nontraditional partners, including the business community and other leaders and influencers, in coordinated initiatives and advocacy to build resilience at all levels. The 1BC amplifies the voices of those in need and asking for change, enabling increased public and private investment in risk reduction, climate change adaptation, and emergency preparedness and mitigation to enhance community resilience.
- Platforms for 1BC members to support their own initiatives toward resilience, by being part of a global movement of recognized and respected resilience practitioners and advocates. No organization is fully mandated or equipped to meet every need in every community. The 1BC allows organizations to work with wider sets of partners to undertake rigorous risk and vulnerability assessment, find synergies, and provide services and resources more effectively. The 1BC is an opportunity to be a part of something bigger than the work of any one person or organization and to be recognized for your contribution toward a common goal.
- Enhanced recognition, resource and knowledge sharing. The 1BC brings opportunities to build the capacity of your staff and volunteers, to recognize the good work of others and to share this with partners, through learning platforms, and streamlined resource and knowledge sharing. Within the 1BC, knowledge and resource sharing is a two-way street. Individuals and communities will be enabled to share their needs, knowledge and expertise with partners and participants, ensuring truly relevant and tailored action to build resilience.
IFRC's commitment to convening global action
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is a neutral and impartial actor, known and trusted by local communities. As convener of the One Billion Coalition for Resilience, IFRC mobilizes these attributes to support the good work of others and to realize more effective partnerships, access and ability to reach the last mile and capacity to facilitate simple to scale.
The IFRC, with its presence in 190 countries and a local presence in more than 160,000 units, is perfectly positioned to convene the 1BC and support its partners to build resilience.
1BC is not an IFRC project. But it is an idea inspired by the experiences of IFRC in partnership with National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies around the world.
How is the 1BC coordinated and overseen?
The 1BC is governed by a Global Steering Committee, comprising global leaders in resilience who are committed to uniting the efforts of their organizations, leveraging their networks, and guiding 1BC strategy, innovations and opportunities.
The One Billion Coalition for Resilience: an overview
This document provides a short 2-page overview of the One Billion Coalition for Resilience.
The One Billion Coalition for Resilience explained
This presentation provides further detail on the One Billion Coalition for Resilience and how it is being operationalised at national and local levels.
Discussion Paper on Levels of Resilience
This document presents an initial analysis of how resilience varies between countries that was used to ground initial planning for the One Billion Coalition. The purpose is to enable the identification of data gaps to understanding the current levels of individual and community resilience.
Enabling platforms
Operations platform
Map local risks, design local solutions and implement community initiatives to address the highest priority risks in their communities.
Business continuity initiative
Tools and services for small and medium sized enterprises to accelerate recovery time, forge more resilient supply chains, promote stronger linkages to government and communities and provide greater coverage of potential losses through insurance.
Digital ecosystem
Connecting individuals, organizations, experts and governments to each other and 1BC online tools.
MUrgency app – iOS, Android (piloted for 1BC in Mexico)
Civil Society Partnerships Platform
Connection and information sharing between 1BC partners within communities by increasing visibility, transparency, accountability and capacity, leading to more effective partnerships at the local level, providing important insight into the local networks and community structures that can support building resilience.
Advocacy platform
Enhances the capacity of communities and partners to speak out as one, increasing their influence on decision makers and opinion leaders.